Friday, September 28, 2007


Stayed upon Jehovah,Hearts are fully blest—
Finding, as He promised,Perfect peace and rest.

Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you;
not as the world gives do I give to you.
Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
John 14:27

What have I to dread, what have I to fear,
Leaning on the everlasting arms?
I have blessed peace with my Lord so near,
Leaning on the everlasting arms.

You will keep him in perfect peace,
Whose mind is stayed on You,
Because he trusts in You.
Isaiah 26:3

When there is a storm without, He will make peace within.

The fruit of righteousness will be peace;
the effect of righteousness will be quietness and confidence forever.
Isaiah 32:17

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Great Things

Expect great things from God; attempt great things for God.
~William Carey


Faith is a living, daring confidence in God's grace. It is so sure and certain that a man could stake his life on it a thousand times.
~Martin Luther

Faith never knows where it is being led, but it loves and knows the One who is leading.
~Oswald Chambers

Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.
~Corrie ten Boom

Galations 2:20

I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.

Deut. 3:24

O Lord GOD, You have begun to show Your servant Your greatness and Your mighty hand, for what god is there in heaven or on earth who can do anything like Your works and Your mighty deeds?

1 Corinthians 1:18

For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

The Love of God

The Love of God, how rich and strong,
Forever faithful-eternity long.
It will not falter, it will not fail,
Sent Son to die and save from hell.
What a loving Father, what a friend,
That loves a man in darkness of sin.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Trust His Heart

I remember singing this song in high school choir. I had forgotten about it until I heard it the other day on the radio. The words hold a truth we should plant deep in our hearts and remember when trials and pain hit our lives.

All things work for our good
Though sometimes we can't see how they could
Struggles that break our hearts in two
Sometimes blind us to the truth
Our Father knows what's best for us
His ways are not our own
So when your pathway grows dim
And you just don't see Him
Remember you're never alone

God is too wise to be mistaken
God is too good to be unkind
So when you don't understand
When you don't see His plan
When you can't trace His hand
Trust His heart

He sees the master plan
And He holds the future in His hand
Don't live as those who have no hope
While our hope is found in Him.
We see the present clearly
But He sees the first and the last
And like a tapestry, He's weaving you and me,
To someday be just like Him

God is too wise to be mistaken
God is too good to be unkind
So when you don't understand
When you don't see His plan
When you can't trace His hand
Trust His heart

He alone is faithful and true
He alone knows what is best for you

God is too wise to be mistaken
God is too good to be unkind
So when you don't understand
When you don't see His plan
When you can't trace His hand
Trust His heart

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Solid Hope

I love the song "The Solid Rock".
It's a stand-by in most churches and in the new contempory churches, it's not even sung. But it is still one of my favorites. I think it is because during the times when life feels uncertain and shaky I can always stand firm when I cling to Jesus, my Rock. This song reminds me of that.
The first words of the song are probably my favorite and I don't know how many times I have heard them repeated in my head. "My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness" He alone is our hope.
My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness;
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly lean on Jesus’ name.

On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand,
All other ground is sinking sand.

When darkness veils His lovely face,
I rest on His unchanging grace;
In every high and stormy gale,
My anchor holds within the veil.

His oath, His covenant, His blood
Support me in the whelming flood;
When all around my soul gives way,
He then is all my hope and stay.

When He shall come with trumpet sound,
Oh, may I then in Him be found;
Dressed in His righteousness alone,
Faultless to stand before the throne.

-Edward Mote 1836

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Love So Undeserved

On such love, my soul still ponder,
Love so rich, so great, so free;
Say, while lost in holy wonder,
“Why, O Lord, such love to me?”~ Kent


Beth Moore -
Trusting God is not believing that He will take away that which you are most fearful of;
But believing that even if He allows that fear to materialize in your life, He will be with you every step of the way. Trust is believing that this His a part of His plan and that He will bring you through it. Trusting God is believing that with Him beside you, you can survive anything- even that which you feared the most.

Charles Stanley-
When you are standing in the middle of something that creates pain or fear, remember that the God that brought you to it already has a plan to get you through it, knowing when and how to do it.
He knows the minute the storm starts, why its needed, how strong it will be, how long it will last and how to make it stop.