Monday, October 15, 2007

Seen By God

There was a couple who had spent 40 years on the mission field. Upon retiring, they returned to the states by ship. President Wilson was on the same boat. As they arrived in port, there were crowds of people with banners and music, greeting the President after his time abroad.
There was not one soul there to welcome the missionaries home or to thank them for their years of service.
As is human nature, this hit the man very hard. He had dedicated his life to his calling and no one seemed to care enough to greet them at their homecoming.
On the train ride to their home, He was speaking to God about the matter.
It was then that God whispered to him, “You’re not home yet”.

There are so many people who spend their lives doing things behind the scenes.
Others may never know what they have done and no words of gratitude may ever be spoken.
But nothing done for God is ever lost.
What you do on earth for the kingdom of God will gain for you a heavenly reward far surpassing even the greatest earthly prize or recognition.
And it will never be taken away.

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