God views your life the way you view a movie after you've read the book. When something bad happens, you feel the air sucked out of the theater. Everyone else gasps at the crisis on the screen. Not you. Why? You've read the book. You know how the good guy gets out of the tight spot. God views your life with the same confidence. He's not only read your story....He wrote it. His perspective is different, and His purpose is clear.
Your place in heaven was more important to Christ than His place in heaven, so He gave up His so you could have yours.
It is the normality, not the uniqueness of God's miracles that causes them to be so staggering. Rather than shocking the globe with an occasional demonstration of deity, God has opted to display His power daily. Proverbially. Pounding waves. Prism-cast colors. Birth, death, life. We are surrounded by miracles. God is throwing testimonies at us like fireworks, each one exploding, "God is! God is!
Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. To these I commit my day.
If I succeed, I will give thanks.
If I fail, I will seek His grace.
And then, when this day is done, I will place my head on my pillow and rest.
You don't add one day to your life or one bit of life to your day by worrying....Not only is worry irrelevant, doing nothing; worry is irreverent, distrusting God.
Worry is an option, not an assignment. God can lead you into a worry-free world. Be quick to pray. Focus less on the problems ahead and more on the victories behind. Do your part, and God will do His. He will guard your heart with His peace...a peace that passes understanding. (Phil. 4:6-7)
God isn't going to let you see the distant scene so you might as well quit looking for it. He promises a lamp unto our feet, not a crystal ball into the future. We do not need to know what will happen tomorrow. We only need to know He leads.
In need of contentment? Remember:
You have a God who hears you, the power of love behind you, the Holy Spirit within you, and all of heaven ahead of you. if you have the Shepherd, you have grace for every sin, direction for every turn, a candle for every corner and an anchor for every storm. You have everything you need.
(Ps. 23)
Read Psalms 23:6, What a huge statement! Goodness and mercy follow the child of God each and every day. Thank of the day and the ones that lie ahead.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me- not some, not most, not nearly all-but all the days of my life.
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